
podcast M&A

Chronicles of M&A Integration – The soft side of M&A is a bridge to integration succes

In this episode we are joined by Sergio Bruno, Global PMI’s Partner in Italy. Sergio talks about his latest book ‘Feelings and Competencies of an M&A’ The very soft side of M&A integration.

Sergio maintains that companies have a personality made up of behaviours and emotions comprised from a collective of all of the people working in the company. We often refer to this ‘personality’ as corporate culture.

Sergio outlines his view that the company personality can have both positive and negative emotions and during M&A, these emotions can be very dominant.

podcast M&A

Chronicles of M&A Integration – SPAC’s – All you need to know in one podcast

In Today’s Episode I am joined by two Italian colleagues; Sergio Bruno and Manuel Zaccaria and our ‘Argomento della giornata’ is SPACS.

SPAC is an acronym for Special Purpose Acquisition Company and Manuel and Sergio provide plenty of insight in this podcast. The result for anyone listening is an in-depth and informed discussion that will help you understand why a SPAC exists, Its primary purpose, the value proposition of a SPAC and much more.


Intervista per Radio Canale Italia – Story Time (in italiano) 

Sono stato ospitato ai microfoni di Story Time, programma di Radio Canale Italia, per parlare della mia attività di Business Consultant.




  Sergio Bruno, Paride Corbellini, Marco Puchetti
Restituiscimi il cane, Terry Macquarie!
Company life: consulting, education, real life.

Forty-eight years of company life, many hours of strategic (hopefully) consulting, many days in training classes. This is what we used to write this book.
Years and years of company life as managers, consultants, professors, in which we have assisted many companies, from the first date, to the conception, the birth, the maturity, and even the testament.
But, after years, so many people still talk about what we said during the businees meetings, what we discussed in the training classes, and they give us the credit of their success. This is gratifying, but what we really look for, when we are in the company, is to “use our own hands” with the people who work in that company since ever, making simply things happen how we want they happen. We do not care of what books, universities, and other consultants say. We go talking to the CEO and to the shopfloor in the same day. Do you think that this is what everyone say? Maybe… but we are more genuine than others!

Available on:

Feelings and competencies

 Feelings and competencies of an M&A – The very soft side of Post Merger Integration

A portrait of what happens in the mind and in the heart of the people who face a Merger, Acquisition, Integration, Carve out.

A collection of portraits, drawn without any mask by a management consultant after many years on the field.

A collection of cases and examples to help you switch from surviving an M&A to riding an M&A.

Available on:


Business Leadership: the role of ICT in the renewal of Financial Services

The relationship between CIO and other business leaders, governance, sourcing, research and development as an engine of leadership, internationalization and its impact on ICT.
The book rises an important question: what is the role of ICT in the building of a “business leadership” for Banks and Insurance Companies?
The book collects the speeches of leaders of FS companies, the analyses made by consultants and professors, the answers coming from IT providers.


  Business & IT Transformation. The new face of Financial Services

After the success of the previous book, this year leaders of FS companies, consultants and teachers o discuss about the new face of Financial Services. This new book summarises different points of view on some important topics such as Change Management, Web2.0, transformation in IT Architecture, Business Risk Management, Compliance management. The goal is to highlight the links between the change of society, the new role of Bank and Insurance services and the competitive advantages coming from the development of new technologies.


starbucks milan

  Starbucks in Milan Italy


  Grazie Buffon. Il lastminutismo non sempre aiuta


Milan Stock market seems to appreciate the Merger of Banco Popolare with Banca Popolare di Milano


Managing Emotions in Mergers and Acquisitions


Managing Emotions in Mergers and Acquisitions (Part 2)


Why culture does matter – An analysis of Dolce&Gabbana’s unexpected experience in China


Express at best your business idea in the world of perfumery: The Business Model Canvas to start off on the right foot

Juve, the UEFA Champions League and the stock market

Juve, the UEFA Champions League and the stock market


Why copy & paste will not work with post-merger integration


How Mergers and Integrations with SPACs Create Value for Stakeholders

A Post Merger Integration horror weekly series

A Post Merger Integration horror weekly series